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Tricksters Card Deck

The Brave and Unstoppable card deck offers a playful and unusual method to uncover and eliminate deeply hidden tendencies of self-sabotage. It helps deepen conversations, elevate relationships, and dissolve illusions holding you back. This valuable coaching tool can be used by families and professionals, including teachers, therapists, social workers, educators, psychologists, and game practitioners. Both thought provoking and entertaining, it challenges you to face your fears, embrace your inner hero, and outsmart the Tricksters that dominate your choices.

Early users' experiences with the cards:
“Your cards offer an opportunity to see fear as an ally, rather than something to avoid. It helps to perceive Grace disguised as Fear that nudges us to begin leveraging adversities into solutions,  becoming a better version of ourselves.”

“Quantumly selecting a random card is like talking to my unconscious. Recognizing the fear makes it easier to resolve the issues that hold me back.”

“As I read the text on the cards, the words resonated with me a lot. Working with the cards, I feel like I am moving away from the fearful version of me. ‘I succeed when’ statements are very helpful.”


Tricksters Card Deck

expected to ship in early November
  • I am ordering a next batch to be printed, so please pre-order and they will be shpped out in 3 to 4 weeks..

    Set of 64 cards in a drawstring bag with a 12 page instruction booklet. 64 images by Alexandra Isaievych and interpretation text on reverse of each card. Size: 5 x 4 inches or 127 x 101mm

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